
21 result(s)

Inquiry into the Indicators of and Impact of Regional Inequality in Australia

The inquiry was a joint submission between RDA Illawarra and the Illawarra Business Chamber. The submission demonstrated that adopting regional economic centres will not only support the growth of the Illawarra, but more importantly mitigate the growing pains of Sydney and maximise the economic outcomes for NSW and Australia.

Inquiry into Regional Development and Decentralisation

The submission highlights that the relocation of government administration bodies to regional areas over time can rovide substantial cost savings for government and improve labour force participation and unemployment in regional areas.

RDA Illawarra notes in the submission that it is important for the Committee to appreciate the transformation taking place in the Illawarra as it transitions from a predominately manufacturing economy to a diverse economy built on knowledge services, advanced manufacturing, trade and logistics and an increasing defence sector capability.

A place for everyone - the future of Australia's cities

Wollongong City Council and RDA Illawarra made a joint submission to the Standing Committee on Infrastructure, Transport and Cities inquiry into the Australian Government's role in the development of cities.

The submission highlighted the benefits of Wollongong which included some of the following:

  • Being globally connected
  • Superb liveability
  • Being a City of Innovation
  • Supportive business environments
  • Connectivity through infrastructure
  • Diverse and changing economic environment 

Australian Productivity Commission: Transitioning Regional Economies

RDA Illawarra's response to "Transitioning Regional Economies Productivity Commission Initial Report Overview & Initial Findings, April 2017" was twofold:

  • To address the Commission's Terms of Reference: "examine the prospects for change to the structure of each region's economy and factos that may inhibit this or otherwise prevent a broad sharing of opportunity, consistent with the national growth outlook"
  • "To comment on the policy framework's assumptions, themes and observations as they relate to the adaptive capacity of the Illawarra region 

Inquiry into National Freight and Supply Chain Priorities

RDA Illawarra provided a submission which responded to the questions identified in the Inquiry into National Freight and Supply Chain Priorities Discussion Paper, May 2017 in relation to Urban Growth Pressures and Port Corridor Pressures.

In summary, the submission outlines that the Illawarra’s economy is increasingly linked with Sydney’s. The Illawarra can support the freight challenge of NSW, if it is considered as a key part of an integrated freight transport system. The construction of the Maldon-Dombarton rail line is required to optimise the port of Port Kembla’s growth.

The Maldon-Dombarton rail line construction would also reduce pressure on Sydney’s road and rail networks, as well as the Illawarra’s passenger rail line and road networks. If freight could be removed from the South Coast rail line, this line could benefit from a more reliable and faster passenger service.

Relocation of Government Bodies to Regional Australia

The submission explains that the relocation of government administration bodies to regional areas over time can provide substantial cost savings for government and improve labour force participation and unemployment in regional centres.

It also highlighted the importance for the Committee of Inquiry to appreciate the transformation taking place in the Illawarra as it transitions from a predominately manufacturing economy to a diverse economy built on knowledge services, advanced manufacturing, trade and logistics and an increasing defence sector capability. Education and health remain significant sectors for employment growth.

The decentralisation of federal or state government administration to the Illawarra region should be considered as it would provide a win-win to the Illawarra's transformed economy as well as providing cost-effective solutions to government.

The Future of Australia's Aged Care Sector Workforce

The Aged Care Illawarra Workforce Action Group (ACIWAG) which made the submission to the Senate Inquiry includes representatives from Aged and Community Services NSW, and ACT, TAFE Illawarra, Training Services NSW, NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet, Regional Development Australia and Illawarra Forum.

The submission looked at the following areas of the Inquiry:

  • The current composition of the aged care workforce (ToR a)
  • Future aged care workforce requirements, including the impacts of sector growth, changes in how care is delivered, and increasing competition for works (ToR b)
  • Challenges in attracting and retaining aged care workers (ToR d)
  • The role of government in providing a coordinated strategic approach for the sector (ToR i)

Australian Infrastructure Audit

Australian Infrastructure Audit

The response to the Australian Infrastructure Audit Report identifies some key infrastructure issues facing the Illawarra within the broader Australian context.

Identifying and responding to the needs of regional communities is a priority of the Regional Development Australia (RDA) network. RDA Illawarra and the Illawarra Business Chamber collaborated closely on a number of regionally important economic development issues.

The submission highlights some of the unique infrastructure challenges of the Illawarra region and linkages with broader regional, metropolitan and national infrastructure issues to try to ensure that consideration is given, through the development of the Plan, as to how best address these issues, not only for the Illawarra, but other regions at large.

Future Role and Contribution of Regional Capitals to Australia

RDA Illawarra, Illawarra Business Chamber and Wollongong City Council collaborated on the regional response to the Senate Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee inquiry. The response identifies a range of key issues facing Wollongong as the regional capital and key economic centre for the broader Illawarra region.

The submission also aims to highlight some of the opportunities that the Senate inquiry provides to facilitate the development of a consistent definition around ‘regional capitals/centres’.

Our Cities

RDA Illawarra made a submission in response to The 'Our Cities' Discussion Paper. RDA Illawarra's vision in the submission was for a sustainable region with cities and regional centres that offer higher quality of life, socially, economically, and environmentally, through high levels of employment with a highly skilled, adaptable, productive and inclusive community operating in a diverse, vibrant and growing economy.

The submission highlights a range of challenges and opportunities in the region.

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